Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Reflection (including Hong Kong video conference)

 Today we had a video conference with a group of people from Hong Kong and they asked us all sorts of questions.We extension learned heaps from only a small group and I'm sure that they did as well.Our conference took about the whole lunch but that was okay.Then we had a whole other session and we didn't even have to go to class.Then we went straight into our Flickr project and we really were on to it.But I forgot my ingredients homework.So I started to leave comments to other peoples Matoa Mihi.It was really fantastic,though between you and me I forgot how to Command t. So I know I'm not going to get much marks.Of course they did tell us all about their traditional food.They were talking really well about the China's restaurants,China's food and how they can compare it to our New Zealand food. It sort of all fits into to like how our local restaurant is Pizza Hut and it's not really something you should have everyday.Pizza Hut should really be a snack and how the Main Meal is really filling but can't be eaten everyday, or else diabetes.There's our R.O.W project of our recipes and mine was really healthy although I didn't add some more extra spice from me, it was just past on from my grandma.

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